“What you always do before you make a decision is consult. The best public policy is made when you are listening to people who are going to be impacted. Then, once a policy is determined, you call on them to help you sell it.”
— Elizabeth Dole

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future." —Deepak Chopra

Tackling Alcohol Addiction:
Prevention, Intervention, and Support

Key Speakers

Robert Vincent, Associate Administrator for Alcohol Policy at Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration
David J. Hanson, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Founder and Operator of alcoholproblemsandsolutions.org
Ken Winters, Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute, Founder of the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research
James Tobin, Director of Alcohol and Drug Prevention Strategies at Yavapai College

This event was held on Monday, August 15th 2022.


According to data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), before the Coronavirus pandemic approximately 14.5 million people ages 12 years and older struggled with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the United States, while only 7.2% received treatment. Of the 414,000 teenagers in that 14.5 million figure, just 6.8% of them received care. The fact that many people with AUD seek treatment for issues stemming from their alcohol use, rather than for their excessive drinking lowers those treatment numbers even futher. One year of pandemic isolation and, per the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), that 14.5million doubled to nearly 30million. Statistics for treatment are not yet available, but given the country’s severe shortage of mental health services, the percentage of those receiving care is unlikely to have improved. Alcohol related deaths meanwhile climbed 25% higher than projected in 2020 and another 21% higher in 2022 with the majority of deaths coming from the 25-44 age group, according to data from Cedar Sinai Medical Center.

While levels of alcohol use in teens stayed relatively constant during the pandemic, the CDC reports that their mental health deteriorated and their incidence of behavioral health issues, already a leading cause of death for persons aged 15-24, increased. Although thorough disaggregation of the data for this age group will be necessary to make truly nuanced policy decisions, it is clear that there is a need for concerted action.

The most recent assessment on alcohol’s economic burden, conducted by the CDC in 2010, placed the sum of drinking’s negative externalities at $249 billion. While that number has no doubt grown since, alcohol sales in 2020 alone surpassed $250+ billion. It was the largest year over year increase since 2002 and enough to fund NIH research into alcohol, alcoholism, and alcohol misuse for the next 453 years.

Legislation at the Federal, State, and local levels about taxation, impaired driving, alcohol availability, and more needs to be carefully considered to offset the consequences of drinking as well as to fund research and treatment for both AUD and behavioral health more broadly. There is also a growing policy conversation on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum, spurred on by the publication of the book Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by a pair of Princeton economists, that legislators need to do more to address the root economic and social despair which leads so many Americans to alcohol and other unhealthy coping mechanisms in the first place. While prescriptions vary, both sides agree that Covid has increased the urgency of acting on these issues, and that something has to be done to help steer vulnerable Americans away from destructive behaviors.

This symposium will provide a space for policymakers, practitioners, academics, and others to have an open conversation about the way forward on alcohol use in post-Covid America. It will offer a chance to weight the pros and cons of existing policies, to share best-practices among practitioners tackling the issue from various perspectives, and to identify areas where concerted action has the most potential to make a positive impact.


  • Assess risk factors and protective factors in terms of policies to curb behavioral health issues
  • Discuss the leading cause of death in people ages 15-24 being behavioral health issues and analyze the role alcohol plays in further promoting higher levels of risks
  • Discuss the growth in alcohol related deaths among persons aged 25-44 during the years preceding the Coronavirus pandemic as well as the sharp spike that occured during Covid.
  • Consider the different federal, state, and community level policies to reduce alcohol availability, tax laws, and other to reduce binge drinking
  • Analyze the stereotypes and lack of acceptance that cause those with AUD to seek help for alcohol-related issues instead of for drinking too much
  • Consider treatments and other forms of help for AUD, behavioral health issues, and alcohol-related health issues
  • Review the economic burden on America from alcohol misuse and assess market and policy solutions to offset the negative externalities of alcohol consumption
  • Learn why ¾ of the economic burden comes from binge drinking and talk about ways to promote drinking in moderation versus binge drinking, especially in younger generations
  • Examine the reason certain prevention programs in schools and for adults are effective or could be more effective and discuss how best practices can be disseminated
  • Study the impact underlying mental health issues may have in the development of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders and clarify the differences between the two in terms of how to address either one from a policy standpoint
  • Look into funding and treatment options and discuss what routes could be the most effective in preventing deaths related to alcohol from motor incidents to overdoses

Who Should Attend?

  • Addiction Treatment Providers
  • Substance Misuse Counselors
  • Recovery Services Staff
  • Sober Living Providers
  • County SUD Administrators and Prevention Coordinators
  • SUD Researchers and Academics
  • SUD Policy and Advocacy Workers
  • AOD Counselours/Case Managers/Support Staff
  • Coalition, Community and Faith-based Organizations
  • Women’s and Perinatal Service Providers
  • Veteran Service Providers
  • DUI Service Providers
  • Health Care Administrators, Planners, Providers
  • School Health Clinicians
  • Tribal and Indian Health Clinicians/Traditional Healers
  • Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Tribal Community Leaders and Social Services Specialists
  • Behavioral Health/Mental Health Administrators, Coordinators, Providers
  • SUD/Mental Health Clinicians
  • Wellness Providers
  • Public Health Administrators, Planners, Providers
  • Primary Care Physicians
  • General Practitioners and Nurses
  • Education Administrators and Planners
  • School District and LEA Representatives
  • Judges
  • Court Personnel, Probation and Parole officers
  • Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
  • Department of Education Officials
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Officials
  • Department of Public Health Officials
  • Department of Health and Human Services Officials
  • Drug Enforcement Agency Officials
  • County and City Departments of Mental Health Workers
  • Social Services Caseworkers/Social Workers
  • Foster Youth Advocates and Providers
  • Homeless Advocates, Caseworkers, Outreach Teams and Placement Coordinators
  • Shelter Case Managers
  • Social Workers
  • Clinical Directors
  • Counselling Services Workers
  • Family Support and Outreach Teams
  • Adult and Community Education Providers
  • Early Intervention and Prevention Teams
  • Rehabilitation Center Officials
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • First Responsers/Emergency Responders
  • Addiction Psychiatrists and Psychologists
  • Parenting Practitioners
  • Addiction Services Administrators
  • Third Sector Organizations/NGOs
  • Academics and Researchers
This event was held on Monday, August 15th 2022.

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